Monday, August 22, 2022

Good-bye To An Old Friend

After I graduated from West Point and reported to Fort Bliss, Texas, for my Air Defense Artillery Officer Basic Course, I needed to take care of some things that West Point had always taken care of for me.  Much like my high school days, I had to do my own laundry again.  And since no one was around to iron my uniforms, I had to iron them myself.  (Mama West Point took care of our laundry and ironing for us.  For a price, of course.)

Back in my day, our "fatigue uniform" was the woodland camouflage pattern BDU's.  How many fatigue uniforms have come and gone since then?  But I digress.

So back in the summer of 1987, I bought a Norelco iron.  And I've kept and used that iron since that summer.  Until now.

I began to iron some pants a week or two ago, and I noticed that no steam came out of the iron.  I checked to ensure it was set to be hot enough for steam--it was--but I couldn't figure out why there was no steam.  Nothing I did seemed to work.

An iron that gets hot isn't satisfactory, I need one with steam.  It's been 35 years, perhaps it's time to get a new iron.


  1. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Some people have girlfriends younger than that.

  2. Might be hard water (Mineral) build up. Try running vinegar in the iron. I've had this problem before, vinegar cures it.

  3. Agree with Mike43, give the ol' girl a little TLC and she might come back to you.

  4. PeggyU9:29 PM

    Give it a second chance. Also, get a clothes steamer; they are handy for road trips.

  5. Vinegar inside and out failed to do the job.

    It's dead, Jim.
