Thursday, August 25, 2022

Charging Drug Dealers With Murder?

I'm against holding car manufacturers responsible when a car kills a person, I'm against holding firearms manufacturers responsible when a firearm is used to kill a person, and I'm against holding a drug dealer responsible when someone dies from drug usage:

Elected Democrats in California’s State Senate have once again voted down a plan that would allow local and state prosecutors to more easily charge drug dealers with manslaughter or murder when Americans die as a result of the drugs they sold to them. 

On Wednesday, Democrat State Senators rejected an amendment to include “Alexandra’s Law” in Assembly Bill 2195. The law, as Breitbart News chronicled, was named after 20-year-old Alexandra Capelouto, who was poisoned and killed by fentanyl when she was sold what she believed was a pharmaceutical drug for depression and insomnia. 

Alexandra’s Law would notify convicted drug dealers that should they be convicted again in the state of California, they could be charged with manslaughter and murder if the drugs they sell have led to a person’s death.

This is the right call.  Increase the penalties for dealing drugs, if you want to, but let's not muddy the waters with trying to assign blame this way.

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