Tuesday, August 16, 2022

An Entrepreneur Probably Wouldn't Run A Business Like This

I got my insurance company's estimate for the cost to repair the damage to my trailer after my recent break-in, so now it's time to take the trailer to a shop and find out the real cost.  Not too far from me is a national corporation that sells and repairs RV's as well as selling RV/camping equipment, so I called over there to see when I could schedule an appointment.  Speaking to the service guy, he said that he's so busy that he couldn't fit me in until December.

I have to believe that an entrepreneur, a sole proprietor, would find a way to get more work done and earn more money--after all, such flush times won't happen forever!  But this person doesn't own the business, he is an employee of a large corporation.  He apparently has no financial incentive to increase, even temporarily, the volume of work he can get done.

I'll continue my search.


  1. Anna A3:15 AM

    I can appreciate the small business doing the work. When a deer hit my car (and I was going 75 mph on the turnpike) I went to a small one the local dealer sent me to. Excellent service, but my insurance company would have preferred that I chose one off their list.

    No way, since my car was unsafe to drive. (the deer took out my driver's side mirror, door handle with a very large dent in that door.)

    Good luck in finding that kind of place

  2. Honestly, its been my experience that businesses from mom & pop stores to national chains have been having so much trouble finding willing workers that many have to give up business such as yours simply because they don't have the workers. My wife and I recently went to a favorite restaurant of ours with many open tables. They turned us away telling us they didn't have staff to wait on us. Such a sad situation. I wouldn't be so upset with the person you talked to as much as the current situation where people literally don't have to work for living.

  3. I second that. My son manages a high end bike shop. They have great benefits and starting pay even for those inexperienced in working with or on bikes. He's hired people only to have them never show up. He's hired people who quit when they find out they're expected to work on a schedule. It's been like this since COVID began. It's insane. Not every job is going to be at home.
