Friday, July 29, 2022

This Is Why We Have Local Control of Schools

How many of those complaining have kids in that district?

Hot Springs County School District #1 shared photos of fifth and sixth grade students learning marksmanship in the school’s gym during P.E.

The post, which is no longer available, showed the children aiming air rifles at targets propped up against the bleachers.

Air rifles are usually used to introduce children to firearms, and while they are far less lethal than actual firearms, they can still cause serious harm...

While some people expressed support and praised the school district, many expressed anger and concern...

In a statement, district superintendent Dustin Hunt and board chairman Sherman Skelton stated that the three-week air rifle course is practical for Hot Springs students, and apologized to anyone offended by the post.

“One of the many beauties of public education is that locally elected school boards help shape curriculum to match community norms and needs,” they wrote. “In Wyoming, the vast majority of households have firearms. It is important for students to safely learn about and respect things they will encounter in their everyday lives.”

Would the pearl-clutchers who worry about "danger" like to see pictures of the archery classes at my own school?

1 comment:

  1. "Air rifles are usually used to introduce children to firearms, and while they are far less lethal than actual firearms, they can still cause serious harm..."
    I suppose that NERF guns, paintball, and/or Airsoft guns aren't available to the pearl-clutchers' children.
    Air rifles CAN cause serious harm, but so can cars. I bet these scaredy cats have no trouble giving their children vehicles that can kill other people and themselves.
    It's similar to a local fencing club not being permitted to introduce a lifelong physical activity to young people in middle schools, because WEAPONS! this is WEAPON FREE ZONE!
