Wednesday, July 20, 2022

A Bleak Assessment

You can shoot the messenger all you want, but when you're done with that, the points made still need to be addressed:

A new Gallup Poll shows that only 28% of Americans hold a “great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in our public school system, and given the state of that system, one can only assume those people work for teachers’ unions.

This is the second lowest percentage since Gallup first started tracking the issue in the 1970s, and it isn’t hard to understand why. The failings of our government school system were put on full display during COVID as schools shut down and the classroom moved to Zoom. 

Parents were, often for the first time, presented with the materials their kids were actually being taught and many realized just how much time their kid wasted on a day-to-day basis.

Couple that with the egregious actions of the teachers’ unions—unions that leech off the taxpayers’ dime like a fat tick—who worked to unnecessarily keep schools shut down or enforced ridiculous COVID protocols despite parents’ wishes. They basically held the education system hostage for two years and left us with the bill—which was bound to anger anyone paying even passing attention to the situation.

And this is just the backlash against the policies found in public schools over the past two years, it doesn’t even touch on the abysmal testing results and outcomes for those who go through government schools.

If you want to know what was being taught in my classes, you can view my instructional videos on my YouTube page

Just a few days ago I received an email from a lady who used to be a rookie teacher at my school, now she oversees math and science teaching in our district.  She congratulated me on teaching what will be our first dual-enrollment (with the local community college) statistics class in our district, and of course offered what assistance she could.  She also said she'd like to come visit that class some time, if that would be OK.  Administrators and other teachers are always welcome in my class, and no, they don't need to make an appointment with me!  It's my class but it's their school, and we share the students, and I expect them to know what's going on in classes around school!  Anyway, I told this new "suit" that she could come by at any time.  I have nothing to hide from my bosses.

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