Tuesday, June 21, 2022

What Has Happened to Joanne Jacobs' Blog?

Joanne's site has been inaccessible for a few days, so I emailed her to ask what's up.  Her reply:

I haven't been able to reach my blog since early Saturday. Someone hacked the site, created a fake blog (with some of my 2017 posts) and locked me out. It took me a while to notice because I've been at my niece's wedding in Boston. My brother, who is my tech guy, was also here with two children to supervise. At least he's back home now. I'm still in Boston, but returning tomorrow. The hosting service is working on the problem, but no progress yet.

It is very, very frustrating. 

If you wouldn't mind, would you post something explaining why joannejacobs.com has vanished? 
What a horrible thing to have to go through.

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