Friday, June 24, 2022

I Never Thought This Day Would Come In My Lifetime


A screenshot from CNN today:

The horror, the horror.

Update, 6/27/22:  It's hard to disagree with this, despite the in-your-face attitude:

You don’t like the decisions yesterday and today (Bruen and Dobbs)?

You’re really not going to like the next part.

I mean, it’s your fault, but you’re not going to like it. 
See, we were cool with the status quo.

Yeah, we wanted abortion to go back to the states. Yeah, we wanted gun rights expanded. Yeah, we wanted our kids safe from LGBTQ indoctrination.

But it wasn’t enough to fight about. 
We thought you were like us, that we could argue and make small gains and lose some ground but everything staying fairly level and levelheaded.

But boy, were we wrong.

Because while we were copacetic and just going along to get along, you were pushing. 
You pushed abortion. From “legal, safe, and rare in these specific instances”, you pushed now to the point of post birth abortion on demand for any reason. 
You pushed gun control. From “background checks and gun free zones” to now “red flag laws” which deny due process. 
You pushed “the rights of gay marriage” to now the “right of LGBTQ teachers telling kindergarteners about their sex life.” 
And during all of this, you pushed disagreeing politically to calling us Nazis and justifying violence against us, justifying harming our families and our jobs. 
So now, we push back.


  1. Anonymous1:20 PM

    You're just mad because someone aborted your baby decades ago.

  2. I've often doubted if that ever really happened, since I wasn't told about it until 10 years later.

    But even then, I didn't threaten violence in the streets, participate in a Night of Rage, or call a black Supreme Court justice (who didn't even author the opinion) the n-word. Lefties always show their true colors.

    I'm not mad. You mad, bro?

  3. Anonymous8:17 PM

    No, I'm not mad. This doesn't effect me. Don't think I've even seen a women's clinic my entire life. I do feel bad for poor people in the south, but no more than unusual.

    And you need to update your talking points post January 6th.

    Your side tried to overthrow the government, albeit in a really half-assed manner.

  4. If a couple hundred people trespassing and throwing papers around the Capitol is "overthrow(ing) the government", what do you call your side's assassination attempts, harassment of judges, and burning of cities? My so-called talking points are just fine, thank you; you should consider your fellow travelers.
