Friday, June 24, 2022

Hypocrisy and Double Standards

Where would the left be with those two pillars of faith?

I am old enough to remember all the hue and cry over this picture of Missouri Senator Josh Hawley greeting a crowd of protestors with a raised fist, just hours before the January 6 Capitol breach.

There are Twitter accounts, actual PACs, and generally stupid people who think that THIS was a seditious act, because Hawley was signaling to the J6 protestors that it was time to attack and mount their “insurrection.”

Less of a dog whistle, and more of a flea fart.

These same brain trusts were (and still are) calling for Hawley’s resignation or his violent removal from office, whichever comes first. With this bunch, you know they are rooting for the latter.

Now that the Supreme Court of the United States has overturned Roe v. Wade, I want those same geniuses to explain this behavior:


NY Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), who lied through her teeth about how she was almost raped and murdered during the January 6 kerfuffle, has decided to take her time away from doing the job she was elected to do, to go up the street to the Supreme Court steps and protest against the Dobbs decision. But AOC did not just join the protestors, she LED THEM in a protest chant of, “Illegitimate” and, “into the streets.”

This is the same AOC who refused to condemn the firebombing of pro-life centers and defacing of churches by pro-abortion activists:

Which leads us to Calif. Rep. “Mad” Maxine Waters...

More at the link

And let's not forget this:

Activist groups sent mobs to protest at the homes of justices expected to vote to overturn Roe, even though that sort of pressure on federal judges is a crime. (Unsurprisingly, Attorney General Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice appears to have done nothing)...

Extremist rhetoric — of the sort that’s called “hate” when it comes from the right and “passion for justice” when it comes from the left — raised the temperature to the point where a would-be assassin actually showed up at Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s house with a Glock, two magazines and pepper spray. He’s now awaiting trial. Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) even threatened Kavanaugh and other conservative justices that they would “pay the price” for overturning Roe.

Has any prominent Dem politician spoken against those illegal acts?  Anyone?  Bueller? 

Update:  Remember when Joe Biden voted to let states overturn Roe?  Don't believe me, believe The New York Times.

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