Saturday, June 11, 2022


President Trump had (has) a demeanor that turns a lot of people off.  This is unfortunate, because it causes him to be cursed like Cassandra of Greek mythology:

No one can say we didn’t warn you that gas prices would go up under Joe Biden.

President Trump predicted it on the campaign trail.

“It’s an incredible thing that’s happened over the last few years, a lot of great things, and you’re paying, what, $2 a gallon for your gasoline? That’s okay,” he said. “You know what that’s like? That’s like a tax cut,” he pointed out. “That’s bigger than a tax cut. If Biden got in, you’d be paying $7, $8, $9. Then they’d say, ‘Get rid of your car.'”

And boy, was he right. As gas prices hit historic highs, Democrats have been using that in a push for people to buy electric cars that are typically in the range of $60,000.  Just this past week, Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) bragged about how gas prices didn’t matter to her when she drove her car from her home state to Washington, D.C., because she has an electric car. “I just have to say just on the issue of that at gas prices, after waiting for a long time to have enough chips in this country to finally get my electric vehicle, I got it and drove it from Michigan to here this last weekend and went by every single gas station. It didn’t matter how high it was.”

But what really gets me about the current situation is that the so-called experts and the mainstream media dismissed concerns that gas prices would go up under Biden...

What do those "experts" care?  They can afford expensive gas.  I paid just under $6/gallon two days ago at what GasBuddy said was the cheapest gas around.

Update, 6/24/22Here's another that's recently been making the rounds.

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