Tuesday, June 07, 2022

25 Down, 5 to Go

Today was our last day with students, tomorrow is a teacher work day.  I'll be giving a final exam to a student who is still testing positive for the 'rona but has been out for 11 days so apparently he's not contagious.

I've completed 25 years at this job, 19 of them in the same classroom.  In 5 years I'll retire and, if things stay the same, earn 72% of my highest year's salary, which will be plenty to live on if I leave California--which I plan to do.

Leaving Sunday to go camping in the Marin Headlands for a few days, and in 3 weeks I'll already have left for Baja.

Yes, we teachers love this time of year :-)


  1. Anonymous3:52 PM

    I've announced my retirement at the end of the calendar year. I'll have 27 years in Cal-PERS and am currently in the process of selling our home. Although I never thought I'd be retiring this early, I have to get out of this state for my mental health. Looking forward to retiring to Arkansas where I won't have to worry about my church being closed, employees who demand to "work" from home, mask mandates, water restrictions, no rolling blackouts, no crowded freeways in the middle of the afternoon, and no 15 hour waits in the emergency room behind immigrants who have just been gifted free healthcare from the state of California. And paying $2 less a gallon for gas will be a bonus. If the only thing CA has going for it is the weather, it's no longer enough for me.
