Friday, May 13, 2022

When You're Intentionally Keeping Information From Parents, You Might Be One Of The Bad Guys

We're going to keep hearing stories like this:

Geary County teacher Pamela Ricard has won an initial victory in her lawsuit against her school district’s pronoun policy.

On Tuesday, a federal judge issued a temporary injunction against the Geary County Unified School District blocking them from disciplining Ricard if she were to intentionally disclose a student’s “preferred name or pronoun” to a parent.

Update, 5/15/22:  Middle schoolers?  Really?

Three Wisconsin boys are facing sexual harassment charges from their middle school over accusations that they used incorrect gender pronouns on a fellow student...

"It’s not sexual harassment under Title IX, under their own policy, under federal law, and it’s probably a First Amendment violation. Almost certainly, if that’s their theory, that solely using the wrong pronoun, that that would be a First Amendment violation," said Luke Berg, the attorney representing the boys.

Read what was actually said before you make a judgement.

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