Tuesday, May 03, 2022

True Review in Statistics

I'm not teaching any new material in statistics this semester.  The entire month of May I devote to various forms of review.

The first project is the "Which test do we use?" project.  For example, Chapter 8 may deal with one-sample hypothesis tests for means, which means the Chapter 8 test will deal with one-sample hypothesis tests for means--the students know exactly which test to use!  In this first project, I give 17 scenarios (most are hypothesis tests, some are various probability calculations) and students have to determine which is the correct test (or calculation) to use, then review how to do that test (or calculation) on our advanced stats calculators.  You'd be amazed how much they've forgotten about something we learned perhaps 6 weeks ago!  They get mighty frustrated when my response to their questions is, "go back to the book and review".

After this first project we'll have a Hypothesis Testing Packet.  In this assignment students well determine which type of hypothesis test is called for in a situation, and then what its null and alternative hypothesis will be.  They don't have to do the test, just correctly identify the test and the hypotheses.

We'll also have a quiz on use of the stats functions on the calculator.

By the time the final exam rolls around, they should be recently refreshed and fluent on the material.  Let's see how that works out!

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