Friday, May 06, 2022

Today's End To Teacher Appreciation Week

As a teacher I can find plenty to complain about.  This is not one of those posts.

Yesterday I wrote about how well our PTSA took care of us this week.  In fact, it was less Teacher Appreciation Week and more like Teacher Fattening-Up Week at our school!  I heard so many praiseworthy comments from my peers all week long about how generous the parents were.

Today, as we do just about every Friday, 10 or so of us met at a local restaurant after work for "7th Period".  Today's choice was a local Mexican restaurant that's quite popular in the community.  After we'd been there awhile, a student at our school stopped by our table with her parents.  They told us that as part of Teacher Appreciation Week, they'd covered our entire tab including tip.

What a nice way to end the work week.