Thursday, May 19, 2022

If It Can't Work At UW-Madison... can't work anywhere:

There has been no improvement in the UW-Madison campus climate over the last six years despite the public university pouring millions of dollars into programs and staff positions to support diversity, equity and inclusion.

“Students of color, students with disabilities, nonbinary students, transgender students, and other LGBTQ+ students responded less positively than their counterparts” when rating whether they feel welcome, safe and respected, according to the results of a recently released campus climate survey.

“The gap in reported perceptions between these students and other students did not change between 2016 and 2021,” the survey found.

Play up differences, and you won't have a team.  Leadership 101.  Then again, we know that "inclusion" and harmony are not the true goals of diversity, inclusion, and equity supporters.

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