Saturday, April 09, 2022

A Thought Just Occurred To Me

Now that California's public universities no longer require ACT/SAT scores for admissions, will my school district still spend a crap-ton of money to administer the PSAT to every junior as we did for a few years before the 'rona?


  1. They'll do it for the National Merit Scholar program, if nothing else.

  2. The National Merit Scholar comment makes sense to a degree, but then shouldn't only college-bound students take the test? A kid who doesn't think they're college bound is probably going to go to a CSU at best, and CSU doesn't require standardized test scores.

    Seems like a lot of money for my district to spend for all juniors.

  3. True enough. The students who would have a shot are those who would take the test whether it was given by the school or not.

  4. Part of the reason my district gave for giving the test to *all* juniors was that it might identify students who might be college-ready but not considering college for any number of reasons. I'm not convinced that reasoning applies anymore, if in fact it ever did.
