Wednesday, March 16, 2022

One Professor Speaks Up

We used to expect Ivy League students to be "a cut above"; nowadays, we expect them to be left-wing whiners:

Yale Law School students were upset that an accomplished conservative attorney with the Alliance Defending Freedom came to campus recently.

But Professor Kate Stith gave them some advice according to the Yale Daily News: “Grow up.”

The March 10 protest, which included walking out of a speech by ADF attorney Kristen Waggoner, also included a question from a student who asked about “the price of a dead trans kid.”

Waggoner successfully represented Jack Phillips, a Colorado baker targeted by homosexual activists, in front of the Supreme Court. She is general counsel to ADF, which regularly wins in front of the Supreme Court.

Professor Stith demonstrated a view of free speech that was common during my formative years but is sorely lacking in academia today.

1 comment:

  1. Those are not students, they are merely liberal activists in training.
    Thus, they are not actually interested in a law degree and should be dismissed from the program. They could just, y'know, learn to code or something...
