Sunday, March 13, 2022


Tomorrow we will no longer be required to wear masks (aka face diapers, aka submission muzzles) at school, and such political apparel will only be "strongly encouraged".

We have had at least one teacher send out an email about how he/she will segregate in the back of the classroom those students who choose not to wear masks, will not allow unmasked students to approach him/her to ask questions, etc.  It was a fairly militant email.  I have seen no emails, and heard no conversations, from us normal people about how any of us plan to harass students who still choose to wear masks.  At most, I might ask a quiet masked student to temporarily pull his/her mask down while speaking so I can read his/her lips, but that's far different from segregation and harassment.

We're being asked to "respect other people's choices", but where was that respect for the past 2 years?  Heck, even the White House, less than 3 months ago, joined in on the attack:

“For the unvaccinated,” he said, “you’re looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm.”

But now that the political science has changed, we have to be warned not to harass students who choose to wear masks.  Who would do that anyway?  I move in politically conservative circles at my school, and none of us are rude, or stupid, or angry enough to harass people for wearing masks.  You do you, as they say.

It would be nice if my school district administration were consistent and unbiased, but then again, I'm not one who believes in unicorns.

The following encapsulates my feelings on the subject:


  1. Anonymous1:04 PM

    The kids she segregates to the back are probably thinking 'WIN!' I know I would.

  2. Every time a progressive/liberal/Democrat/whatever mouths the words "respect the choice," what they always mean--every single time-- is "respect MY choice." Other voices and choices have no place in the "democratic" world of the Leftoids.

  3. From the tweet: " protect themselves and others."

    I guess the unmasked just don't give a ****.

  4. That's *one* (selfish, lopsided) point of view.

  5. To be sure, I was being sarcastic, parroting the Health Authority's biased tweet.

  6. Anna A2:49 AM

    The one thing that I have wanted to ask, when someone wants everyone else to mask up to protect them, even due to valid reasons. "What did you do before Covid? Before everyone got used to mass mask theater?"

  7. Math Teacher: thought you were being sarcastic, but you can't always tell without facial expressions and vocal inflections!
