Tuesday, February 01, 2022

When A Reporter Asks "What Do You Mean By Freedom?", You Know There's Trouble Afoot

Isn't it funny how people who have actually lived under communism don't mince words about it, or about what's happening in the once-free West these days?  You've gotta love this lady Gina, who isn't having any of the reporter's crap:

Let's not forget that the Prime Minister has made up wild claims about the truckers and their motives:

In a transparent attempt to delegitimize the popular protest, Trudeau seized on media reports of two problematic flags that were seen over the weekend near the Freedom Convoy—a Nazi flag, and a Confederate Flag—and the alleged vandalism of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The flags were carried by suspected infiltrators who were not welcome at the event.

In his comments, Trudeau used the isolated incidents to smear the thousands of decent, law-abiding Canadians at the protest.

“I know you’re wondering about what we saw in our Capital city this weekend,” Trudeau intoned. “As my friend Irwin Cotler said on Saturday, freedom of expression, assembly, and association are cornerstones of of democracy; but Nazi symbolism, racist imagery, and desecration of war memorials are not. It is an insult to memory and truth,'” he continued.

“Over the past few days Canadians were shocked and frankly disgusted by the behavior displayed by some people protesting in our nation’s capital,” Trudeau added. “I want to be clear, we are not intimidated by those who hurl insult and abuse at small business workers and steal food from the homeless. We won’t give in to those who fly racist flags. We won’t cave to those who engage in vandalism or dishonor the memory of our veterans.”

While slamming the Freedom Convoy as something he would never go near, Trudeau pointed out that he is not against all demonstrations. He said he has attended  Black Lives Matter protests in the past because he agreed with “their concerns and their issues.”

Then Brave Sir Justin bravely ran away:

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his family have left their home in Ottawa for a secret location, the CBC reports, amid security concerns as thousands pour into the Canadian capital on Saturday in trucker convoys to protest vaccine mandates.

The man is a gutless turd, who would otherwise be a nobody were it not for daddy.  Gina has more bravery, more decency, and more sense than does the national so-called leader.

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