Sunday, February 06, 2022

Masks At School

A week ago I wrote that compelling masks at schools was mere kabuki theater.  Perhaps I was wrong, and instead it's really a cult:

It’s becoming increasingly clear that the last place that will be freed from COVID restrictions will be the public schools.

And this mania for pushing both mask wearing in perpetuity, and a full embrace of vaccinations, has become more than just a public health issue. For those in charge of the public schools, it has turned into a religious cult. And you can tell it’s become a cult because they aren’t stopping to consider the harm that they will do to children. They have the power in the public schools, and they will cram down compliance for their mask mandates and pressure kids into getting vaccinated – OR ELSE.

Remember that when Barack Obama talked about people clinging to guns and religion, he was still challenging Hillary Clinton in Pennsylvania and was referring to Democrats.  The lefties are still bitter clingers, only now they're clinging to face masks and compulsion.  Gawd, do lefties love compulsion.

Here's a wonderful example from the article linked above:

Which leads to Oakdale High School in California, where school administrators apparently lost their minds when the students staged a protest against wearing masks in school, citing Governor Gavin Newsom’s example while at the 49ers-Rams game last weekend. The kids made it clear to local media that the governor motivated their protest.

The school, for its part, said the kids weren’t facing disciplinary action. But perhaps the staff should.

So, staff turned off the heat on the kids and tried to “barricade” them in the gym. Leaving aside that the “barricade” is completely useless and stupid if they really thought it was going to keep able-bodied teenagers inside the gym, THAT’S A FIRE HAZARD VIOLATION. And the kids called the police, who then turned the heat BACK on! What on earth were these adults, who were supposedly “in charge,” THINKING??? An update from the district now lamely claims that the tables in front of the doors was “unintentional and temporary” and that police, a building inspector, and a fire inspector all showed up to check on the doors. Hmmm, how many angry parents do you think made phone calls? Incidentally, the update from the school does not mention the turning off of the heat by staff. Are they tacitly admitting that this happened, and can offer no excuse for such shitty retaliation toward the kids?

These public schools have a problem, and the problem is that they are now drunk on fear and power. 

St. Fauci won't bless them if they use common sense, not that they seem to have any to use.


  1. This is clearly school faculty and administration acting out their personal angst in inappropriate ways. The principal should be removed as should all teachers who barricaded students in the gym in direct violation of ALL fire exit laws for schools. It's simply ridiculous that these people continue to have jobs.

  2. It's a religion, for sure, since these people truly believe that salvation lies in the Holy Mask of St. Fauci.

  3. I agree with both you--but you knew I would :-)
