Tuesday, January 25, 2022

You Probably Wear A Similar Cloth Mask

Those of you who are required to, those of us who must participate in 'Rona Theater, wear masks like these:


  1. Is this issued by your employer?

    Around here, the essential workers in larger businesses are issued a surgical or KN95 mask.

    In Germany and Austria, its FFP2 for everyone.

    WWSD? What will you do for yourself?

  2. N95s are being issued for free this week in the U.S. for those that have the transportation to go get 'em. I'm wondering if the box you are showing in the photo is part of that distribution.

  3. Our district gave out N95 masks to those staff members who want them. I did not get one. A teacher I work closely with wore one for a day or two and the sacrifice (skin rubbed raw, rash, etc) was too much. He's back to the cloth mask which does nothing.

    The picture was sent by a friend of mine. It's the box of masks that his employer handed out.
