Wednesday, January 19, 2022

The Scale

Until this morning, I hadn't stepped on my scale in over a year.  I didn't want to know what it would tell me.  I know I've put on pounds, a lot of pounds.  And it's not the 'rona's fault or the shutdown's fault or any other fault but my own.

I've been wondering what it would take for me to do something about my weight, what "rock bottom" would be.  I don't know if I've reached it, but last night I came close enough--I saw my profile in the mirror.  The fat roll, the sagging.  It was undeniable.  And devastating.

I'd resisted the scale, even as I began to outgrow my big-boy clothes.  Oh, I had a number in mind, what I probably weighed.  It was enough to be bad, but not bad enough to be outrageous.  But after seeing that profile last night, I knew I needed eat a little better and start doing something besides watching TV when I get home from work each day.  I have a workout app on my phone; it's not much, but at least it would get me moving in the mornings, so I decided to start it this morning.

But to know if I'm making any progress, I'd have to step on the scale.  So I did.  And the number was worse than I thought.  Much worse.

I'm 58 pounds over what I'd like to weigh, and what I'd like to weigh is a few pounds over what I probably should weigh.

Back in 2010 it took me 4 months to lose almost 25 pounds, and I was going hard core back then.  I don't even know if I have it in me to work as hard now as I did then, but I've got to do something.  I spent most of my life either thin or of reasonable weight, I don't want the last third of my life to be spent fat and unhealthy.  I've really let myself go.

The sign goes on the refrigerator today:  Are you hungry or just bored?


  1. Get with a personal trainer. Find one that works out with a small group. That way you get support from the trainer and the others in the group. Look into boxing training. And cut out the carbs and sugar. You can do it!

  2. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Maybe worth your time:

  3. I hear you Darren. I'm in the same boat. Basically the same exact story as you. I've taken the eating healthier step but have to step up to the exercise.

    Good luck to you.

  4. Have you heard of Healthy Wage? You put in your weight, your goal weight, the time frame and how much you are willing to bet on you losing the weight. They calculate a cash prize if you meet your goal. You lose your money if you don't meet your goal. I found the prospect of losing money to be VERY motivating. I set a reachable goal of losing 30 points in a year and made my goal! Six months later I have gained about half of it back. I'm willing to put some of the blame on a back injury that caused me major issues for 2 months. Time to get back to work and back to my goal weight.

  5. For now I want to do this on my own. I am a West Point graduate, I should still have *some* modicum of self-discipline in me. It's time to use it.

    When I got home from work today I put in the earbuds and went for a walk while listening to my latest audiobook. App workout in the morning, walk in the afternoon, that's my plan for now. I've got to get into good habits, a routine, and then I'll significantly improve my diet.

    I'm not surprised I got 4 comments on the first day of this post, given the topic!

  6. We are there for you, buddy. And have been in your shoes to some extent or another.
    I think I lost 6 pounds to the 'rona this week, so you could look into that avenue as well :)

  7. Charley7:24 AM

    I lost 55 pounds (down to college weight) using the Carnivore Diet. It took six months and I've kept it off for two years! I'm also significantly older than you! Go watch Dr. Shawn Baker on Joe Rogan for more details. The first couple of weeks are challenging as you come off your addictions to carbs, but then it's free sailing! The pounds fall off, you have more energy than you can imagine...and my cholesterol, while never bad, got better and better! The Calories-in-Calories-out model will do nothing but frustrate you, not to mention make you starve! (You never starve when eating carnivore.) Weight is more a function of what insulin does with all those carbs.

  8. Charley7:26 AM

    Oh...and the saying goes, "You can't outrun your fork!" What you eat is far more important for weight than how much you exercise. Exercise is for health/fitness; food is for weight.

  9. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Easy to add something like J&J's 7 minute workout into the middle of the day as well.

    Ann in L.A.

  10. Anonymous7:31 PM

    The writer of "The Obesity Code" is a Canadian nephrologist who sees a lot of patients with weight issues. If you care to get a broad overview of what he advocates, this video is pretty good:

    There are some collateral benefits to his approach. Worth considering carefully, and not as hard as a casual inspection may suggest.

  11. Can't outrun your fork and your bicep curls can't involve an amber filled stein. Maffetone works for me and mine. His nutrition and heart rate zone thinking are spot on. If you aren't familiar with the blood sugar roller coaster, you might inform yourself as it does show the impetus for some people's snacking and the benefits of snacking/mini-meals or not.

    Remember though, its hormonal. Your circulating D is being sequestered by your fat should consider getting your D level measured to see if you need to supplement ... hard to lose the fat when your body is out of balance even if you do everything else right in the nutrition and exercise departments.
