Saturday, January 15, 2022

The Left's Redefining of Words

A friend sent this from Twitter:

Don't ever forget that "diversity" has become enforced conformity and political quotas, "inclusion" means speech suppression, and 'equity" the unequal treatment of individuals because of their race.  Once you get this, wokeness ceases to be a riddle.


  1. cthulhu9:38 AM

    Every time I hear the word “equity”, I think of Jarndyce v. Jarndyce, and the outcome thereof. Every reason to expect at least as bad an outcome here.

  2. I haven't read much Dickens, thanks for the reference.

  3. Ministry of Inclusion, Ministry of Diversity... both of which have become a combined institution/department, commonplace in many universities. As an added benefit, students get their emails advertising some anti-racism seminar or similar every month or two - no way to unsubscribe!
