Saturday, January 08, 2022

Honesty and Consistency


  1. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Don’t vaccines have to be refrigerated?

  2. Anna A2:52 AM

    I'll be glad to do mail in shots, because I've decided unless it gets down to needing booster #2 for work, I will not be getting any more.

    I've noticed that logical consistency isn't a strong point for a lot of leftists.

  3. There's something strange going on. I don't think people would question the deaths of Betty White, Sidney Poitier or Dwayne Hickman who were all over 85. But it does seem strange the number of people in their forties through sixties who are contracting COVID or simply dying after following all of Fauci's Demands for vaxxing, boosting and masking. Case in point, Bob Saget. He was on tour, he appeared fairly fit and was very open about his support for taking the vaccine and getting the booster. You can find a copy of that claim here:

    Also, I am questioning in every possible way the NEED for boosters if people's bodies are making anti-bodies. I've outlined that in my recent post here: I honestly believe we are being stampeded into bad decisions in order to benefit those who have stock in Big Pharma.
