Saturday, December 04, 2021

Striking A Small Blow For Math Standards

I don't know if he's a "good guy" or not, but in this instance he's right:

Truckee Meadows Community College has ended an effort to fire Professor Lars Jensen, who had been subjected to termination proceedings after pushing the school to maintain its rigorous math standards.

In November, a hearing officer at the Nevada school found that Jensen had violated several of the college’s codes when he protested a new curriculum structure that essentially allows remedial math classes to count for college credit.

In response to the hearing officer’s report, a five-member faculty termination board recommended on November 23 that Jensen be allowed to remain in his job.

The next day, college President Karin Hilgersom accepted the recommendation of the faculty committee and announced Jensen would not be fired...

“As a consequence, the disciplinary hearings raise grave concerns that Professor Jensen is being retaliated against for his constitutionally protected criticism of the college’s administration and efforts to communicate his concerns about the academic functioning of the college to his colleague and to other interested parties.”

Jensen told The Fix that he has been working at his job all along during the dispute. He noted he is working with his attorney on his next steps, including filing EEOC and Title IX complaints against the school. He said he expects “to pursue them in full.”

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