Wednesday, December 08, 2021

Political Prisoners

What does the Constitution say about a speedy and public trial?

Who, exactly, has been keeping congresspeople away from these prisoners?

What is the definition of “custody”?

KEVIN DOWNEY JR: Reps. Greene and Gohmert Finally Met the J6 Political Prisoners: What They Saw Isn’t Pretty. “Several inmates need medical attention. One has a broken finger. A seventy-one-year-old inmate, Lonnie Leroy Coffman, who hasn’t seen a doctor, watched as his lower forearm has turned purple and his thumb turned black. The other inmates suggested that if anyone can be released, it should be Lonnie.”  link

I never dreamed I’d see the day when we had political prisoners in the US, but here we are.  If you support this, you do not support the rule of law.  In a just world, those people would already have been tried, and some of them convicted, of nothing more than criminal trespass.

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