Sunday, December 05, 2021

In A Sane World, Such A Place Would Be Shunned Out Of Business

San Francisco, however, is the very opposite of a "sane world":

The co-owner of a San Francisco restaurant defended refusing service to three uniformed police officers following backlash over the move, calling the establishment a "safe space." 

"It's not about the fact that we are anti-police," chef and co-owner of Hilda and Jesse, Rachel Sillcocks, told ABC7 News. "It is about the fact that we do not allow weapons in our restaurant. We were uncomfortable, and we asked them to leave. It has nothing to do that they were officers. It has everything to do that they were carrying guns."

So much naivete--or is it stupidity--in 4 short sentences. 

Update, 12/6/21:  They've apologized--because of the bad press they're getting--but they'd do it again

The owners of a San Francisco restaurant are now apologizing after denying service to three uniformed police officers who were on-duty.

Hilda and Jesse initially denied service to the three San Francisco Police Department officers on Friday after they were seated at the restaurant. 

According to ABC7 News, one of the owners said that the on-duty police officers' "presence" made staff at the restaurant feel "uncomfortable."

"It's not about the fact that we are anti-police," co-owner of Hilda and Jesse, Rachel Sillcocks said. "It is about the fact that we do not allow weapons in our restaurant. We were uncomfortable, and we asked them to leave. It has nothing to do that they were officers. It has everything to do that they were carrying guns."

According to Sillcocks, the officers are welcome to come back and dine in the restaurant but without their weapons...

The co-owners continued, stating that they hope the incident will be a "teachable moment" but stopped short of saying whether on-duty officers are welcome in the establishment.


  1. "It's not about the fact that we are anti-police" -- um...yes it, idiot.

    "We were uncomfortable, and we asked them to leave. It has nothing to do that they were officers. It has everything to do that they were carrying guns." Ooh... officers carrying guns are SCARY! Those people could go off ANY MINUTE, killing a bunch of people at random!
    Perhaps idiot didn't think this through, keeping in mind what's happening in the Bay Area now -- wouldn't the presence of armed officers reduce or even eliminate the possibility of armed robbery in xher store?

  2. Anonymous5:17 AM

    Maybe it is just me, but the first two links go to an "Access Denied" page..

  3. Anonymous: I just clicked on the first link and also got an "access denied" page. I copied the URL in the message, pasted it into my browser--and it opened up. Weird, I cannot explain it, but at least there's an easy work-around.

  4. Anonymous9:48 PM

    The "Access Denied" thing always happens to me with the links. I've just been copying and pasting them as you discovered.
    - Another Anonymous
