Thursday, December 16, 2021

Are You Sure You Want To Do This?

(start at 1:15)

I’m wary of this policy. I’m not wary of searching backpacks and lockers, but given the personal nature of what we keep on our phones, this seems excessive.  I see the opportunity for so many unintended consequences that will work against the school:

A North Carolina school board has adopted a policy which will allow principals to search a student’s cellphone. 

The policy adopted this week by the Wilson County Board of Education allows phone searches "whenever a school official has reason to believe the search will provide evidence that a student has violated or is violating the law, board policy, the code of student conduct or a school rule," The Wilson Times reported. 

With great power comes great responsibility, and I don't really trust most school officials with that kind of responsibility.  If I were a student I'd refuse to unlock my phone; they can search it all they want without my assistance.

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