Saturday, November 27, 2021

The Oceans Will Rise, Or Heat Up, Or Something

Barack told us the oceans would rise--then bought a mansion near the ocean.  Nancy has just purchased a huge mansion near the coast in Florida.  Hypocrisy is a strong suit of lefties--as evidenced by all their private jets whenever there's a global warming conference.

Much of the leftie media screams about global warming, too...

I have often posted that the models used to tie man to climate change were not only bogus but impossible to be correct. There is no way for the model designers to understand all the factors influencing Earth’s climate. A new report proves that the climate models are wrong—it was big news and CNN even reported it. Of course, they chose to report it on Thanksgiving when people aren’t following the news. questioning climate change models.

CNN is still called a news network, although it’s an incorrect description. The network decided that a bombshell report that questions anthropogenic (human-induced) climate change and the models that we are currently using to guide policy and funding should be reported on Thanksgiving Day. When people watch football, the first wave of Christmas specials, or stuffing their faces with turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and other food goodies.

On Wednesday, the journal Science Advances published a new study of Arctic water temperature that has determined that the warming has been occurring decades earlier than the “scientific consensus” had believed.

CNN reports that the study found that “the expansion of warm Atlantic Ocean water flowing into the Arctic, a phenomenon known as ‘Atlantification,’ has caused Arctic water temperature in the region studied to increase by around 2 degrees Celsius since 1900.” 

And just about yearly we get stories like this:

More than two dozen cargo vessels are stuck in Russia’s Arctic ice, waiting for ice-breakers to come to their rescue, after an inaccurate forecast from the country’s Met Office.

Maritime traffic in the Northern Sea Route has been on the rise in recent years as rapidly warming winters reduce ice cover, and Russia invests in its Arctic ports in preparation for a further boom.

But this year several segments of the Northern Sea Route froze up about a fortnight earlier than usual, catching many ships unawares.

 When the facts contradict your expectations, believe the facts.

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