Thursday, November 25, 2021


Having rules you can't or won't enforce only breeds contempt for all other rules--and seriously, who is going to abide by this one?


Will anyone's behavior be altered by this so-called mandate?

Even if you've supported the crazy rules, requirements, and mandates of the last year and a half, you have to admit that this jumps the shark.


  1. I was at an eyeglasses store and the woman who works the counter said she had someone in a few days earlier, who had barely gone out the entire epidemic, and had a panic attack in the store and had to leave. Imagine being so cowed by fear of c19, that you have been a shut-in for a year and a half!

    There are people who will only feel safe if they are doing exactly what the fools in the government tell them to.

    (The store attendant has been long planning a move to Pennsylvania. She will speed that up if her 5 year old has to get the shot here in CA to attend school. So, there are sensible people out there too!)

  2. I had relatives visiting from out of state. They were astounded. "Where are the masks?" they exclaimed. Then they trotted out dire warnings of rising COVID rates to come, which didn't happen. I still contend that COVID is better handled by allowing the lungs to expel infected oxygen rather than recirculating it via a mask. Reading reports from nurses around the country where young children are ending up in ER's for cardiac care I am PRAYING my grandkids don't have to get the shot. What is more, having gotten COVID and the vaccine myself, I'm not getting a booster. I think someone is making a boatload of money on this and every "wave" is nothing more than the latest IPhone or TikTok offering going public.
