Monday, November 08, 2021

Hot On The Tails Of Our Local Commie

California is one of the bluest of the blue states, and teachers are some of the bluest of California's blue.  Recently a local commie teacher was outed and fired, and now we get another nearby (but as yet unidentified) teacher who thinks it's perfectly reasonable to, well, read on:

A Northern California high school says it is investigating after an alleged inappropriate, politically charged question appeared on a quiz last week.

Justin Cutts, principal of Whitney High School in Rocklin, wrote in a letter to parents that “students, families and the Rocklin community have raised concern about the class assignment,” which was a quiz given by a social science teacher Thursday. The teacher was not identified.

“While personnel matters will remain confidential, appropriate disciplinary steps will be taken,” Cutts wrote in the letter, sent Friday.

The principal’s letter came shortly after an image — allegedly a screenshot of the quiz, which was administered electronically — quickly went viral on social media. The post showed a multiple-choice question with the prompt: “A group of complete idiots.”

The four multiple-choice options were allegedly: “KKK,” “all of Florida,” “Fox news” and “Texans.”

Doing this makes all of us look bad in the eyes of the public.

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