Thursday, November 18, 2021

F*** Joe Biden Flag at School

I agree with the sentiment.  I have nothing but contempt for Biden and his Administration. 

Having said that, foul language in public is not something I can support.  Neither is foul language by students.  As I wrote regarding the "Bong Hits For Jesus" case, such language and behavior is not appropriate at school:
In a demonstration meant to honor U.S. military veterans, students in Paso Robles High School’s Conservative Club waved flags on campus for several hours — including one that said “F--- Biden.”
Although most of the flags displayed by students on Nov. 10, the day before Veterans Day, were traditional star-spangled American flags, others included the one with the profanity-laced slogan, at least one “Trump 2020” flag and a Gadsden flag featuring a snake and the words “Don’t Tread on Me” on a bright yellow background.
Trump 2020 and Gadsden are ok.  Foul language is not.

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