Monday, October 25, 2021

You've Got To Admire His...

...gumption.  (This is a family blog and I'm too classy to go with the obvious pun in the title--but not so classy as to pretend I didn't think of it!)

A teacher is going to unusual lengths to spread his love of sums by uploading maths lessons to PornHub.

Speaking to Mel Magazine, Changhsu, who has a master’s degree in mathematics, explained that he turned to the platform hoping he would reach large numbers of people who might then sign up for his online courses.

“Since very few people teach math on adult video platforms, and since there are so many people who watch videos on them, I thought that if I uploaded my videos there, a lot of people would see them,” he said.

He admitted he suspects a lot of people watch his videos as a joke but “people may not be interested in my videos, but they’ll all know there’s a teacher who teaches calculus on an adult video platform,”

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