Friday, October 22, 2021

They're Sorry They Pissed Off So Many People With Their Anti-American Idiocy That They Thought They Could Get Away With

How many state organizations have parted ways with the National School Boards Association after their letter to the president which referred to parents as domestic terrorists?  Well, now the NSBA is sorry about their unfortunate choice of words.

They deserve all the condemnation and derision they've gotten, and then some.  And as one comment at the above link says:

AG Garland has to testify before Senate Judiciary Cmte next week. This is going to make it all the more excruciating -- NSBA just hung him out to dry.

Couldn't have happened to a nicer a-hole.  Break out the popcorn!

Here's the Washington Free Beacon story that prompted the NSBA's backtracking.

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