Wednesday, October 06, 2021

The Father Got In Trouble??

This teacher needs to be not only fired, but jailed.  Or beaten.  Perhaps both:

A father was seriously hurt, he says, for standing up for the rights of his second grade son at school.

The boy was allegedly told he couldn't go the bathroom and stayed in his soiled pants all day.

The angry dad confronted the teacher and that's when the trouble started.

Vincent Nemorin was put in handcuffs after questioning the second grader's teacher at PS 193 Wednesday about why his son was allegedly left sitting in feces for hours.

"We are just demanding basic health needs. Nothing extra. Children should never be restricted going to bathroom," said Yumi Nemorin, Vincent's wife.

Yumi says she never imagined a simply discussion would end with her husband in handcuffs.

At one point he slips trying to get in the police vehicle.

Police say the teacher told them she felt threatened.

She should have felt threatened.  My guess is if the man was going to hurt her, he would have.  Her principal should be threatening her job.  Instead, way to use law enforcement as a cover for this horrible teacher.

A Department of Education spokesperson said in a statement: "We take this allegation seriously, and are investigating the matter. Ensuring safe and supportive environments in all our schools is critical, and there is additional support being provided to the school to address parent concerns. We will continue to work with the school community to ensure the school is meeting their needs."

Eyewitness News could not reach the principal or teacher directly for comment.

I'm curious how the teacher would defend having a 2nd grade child sit in "soiled" pants all day.  How would the principal defend the teacher?

If the facts truly are as attested in this article, the minimum that needs to be done is firing the teacher.


  1. Anonymous1:09 PM

    You didn't provide a link, but I found what I think is the original ABC story from 2016:

    There's more detail here, including a photo of the parent:

    Apparently this principal regularly prohibits students from using the restroom. One parent says she packs extra underwear for her daughter.

  2. Thanks for noting my original lack of link--I don't usually leave those off!

  3. The principal DENIES young children access to the bathroom? On what basis? How come no pediatrician or clinical psychologist has taken this administrator and school district to court over what is abuse?

  4. It just shows that the disdain for parents is nothing new within the academic and union elites.
