Monday, October 25, 2021

From Today's Student Bulletin

REMINDER- It is mandatory that a mask be worn while in line to pick up food at every Meal Service. You will be asked to leave the line if you are not wearing a mask. Thank you for your cooperation. 

It doesn’t look to me like “cooperation” is the correct word. “Obedience” or “compliance” would be more accurate.


  1. It's cooperation because an agreement has been made with the given expectation. Should the person change his mind and not agree, other agreed upon paths will be taken. Its obedience if there was no agreement beforehand and no alternative paths.

    In my district, the agreements are in the Student Handbook and agreed to before the academic year begins. Those who decide not to agree to an expectation during the year have a stated path of action. For example, the biggie is 'not ready to learn right now'..the expectation is enter the classroom only if ready to learn and cooperate with teacher/aides...the alternative path is pick from your list of nurse, AP, social worker, psych etc and report to that office. Students can leave the classroom to do so, but they may not disrupt at any time. They may not leave campus or go to an unapproved location on campus. That latter isn't presented as authority, its presented as safety -- need to know where everyone is in case of power outage, fire, etc. Those whose actions show they can't agree are immediately on homebound, pending review with the caregivers and student and others involved, perhaps the family court judge.

  2. "Follow government diktats or you will be shot" also sounds like an "agreement with the given expectation", but I wouldn't say compliance is truly voluntary.

  3. The beatings will continue until morale improves.
