Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Assault and Battery

Always, always, always press charges:

An 18-year-old Louisiana high school student may face up to 10 years in prison after new felony charges were filed in connection to an attack on a disabled teacher that was recorded during a suspected TikTok challenge earlier this month, authorities announced Tuesday.

Larrianna Jackson was charged with felony second-degree battery and with cruelty to the infirmed on Friday, District Attorney Warren Montgomery’s office said in a news release. Jackson had initially been charged with felony battery of a school teacher after her arrest on Oct. 6...

The incident happened at Covington High School, where the 18-year-old allegedly punched her 64-year-old teacher, who reportedly uses a wheelchair.

A student-recorded cellphone video of the incident shows that a student approached her seated teacher and punched the teacher, knocking her to the ground, according to police. The student is seen violently punching the teacher, at which point the video ends. 

The 64-year-old teacher was hospitalized and treated for injuries sustained in the attack, police said at the time.

We teachers have a natural desire to help children--that's why we have the jobs we have.  We don't do anyone any favors by pretending this is anything other than what it truly is--barbaric violence.  Lock the girl up, she should not be out amongst normal people.

1 comment:

  1. Many of these "children" who assault others think they have a free pass thanks to media support for criminals vs. police. We had our own local incident when a student at Timberview HS in Mansfield got into a fight with another student in a classroom. When a male teacher subdued the other student, the first student went back to his backpack, got a gun and shot three people, including the restrained student. The shooter got into his 2018 Challenger (!!! Red flag #1), left campus throwing the gun out the window (!!!Red flag #2) went home and dialed a SJW lawyer deeply involved in various protest elements in the city of Arlington. The family almost instantly held a news conference, picked up by all stations, claiming he was bullied for being wealthy. This is a black male age 18 who shot another 15 year old black male student. So police release him under the guise of investigation although I think the kid's lawyer threatened to blow things up. Then other kids on social media started leaking that the shooter was a huge drug dealer at the school and that lots of people didn't like him because HE was a bully. This past week Arlington PD euphemistically said the shooter was NOT bullied, but was instead involved in "high risk behaviors." But this is how they play the system-the media is complicit and this has happened over and over with hoaxes and outright crimes being defended by a media more willing to champion the perpetrator than the victims.
