Monday, September 13, 2021

When Did American School Officials Become So Anti-American?

The (lack of ) reasoning behind this decision makes you wonder if these people could find their butts with both hands and a mirror in a well-lit room:

Students at a Washington state high school wanted to mark the 20th year since the Sept. 11 attacks by wearing red, white and blue at a patriotic-themed game but were refused because the event could "unintentionally cause offense to some who see it differently," according to a report.

Jason Rantz, a host on KTTH 770/94.5FM, reported that the event was canceled by an unnamed staffer at Eastlake High School in Sammamish "at the last minute." A student told the show that he was informed that the "red, white and blue was going to be seen as racially insensitive and may affect people in a way that we will not understand and for that reason that we were to change our theme."

It's not like people of all races weren't killed that day.


  1. The majority of these "educators" and "administrators" are products of the last 20 years of the University system (Education and Administration majors).
    So I'd say that a slow march of about 40 years answers your question.
    60s radicalism (hi, Bill Ayers!) began the movement, and those people became the professoriate, and trained the current crop of useful idiots which are infesting the American indoctrinati-- er, education system.

  2. ^^^^^^^^ This.

    If governors and politicians who disagree with the dumbing down and a-wokening of education really want to change things, they need to get rid of the necessity for teachers to pass through leftist indoctrination to make it to the classroom. Push for alternate certification and accredit new teachers of teachers. Stop giving pay bumps to people to go and get further indoctrination with a masters or phd.

    Break the ed school monopoly.
