Thursday, September 02, 2021

Teachers In The News

It's been a banner week for teachers and it's not even Friday yet!  Let's count down our entries, yes?

At #4, and new one here at RotLC, are the Colorado teachers who pledge to teach critical race theory in their classrooms, even if it's banned.

A project in the name of the late, self-proclaimed socialist college professor Howard Zinn has gathered thousands of signatures of teachers nationwide, including about 100 from Colorado, pledging to teach the tenets of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in their classrooms despite any bans by any state government or a local school district.

CRT is a school of thought that believes racism is institutionalized and embedded in America’s history, and that history should be viewed primarily through the lens of racial oppression.

Remember, they want to indoctrinate not their own children, but other people's children.

#3, a Virginia teacher who has been vindicated:

The Virginia Supreme Court ruled in favor of an elementary school teacher who was suspended for criticizing the district's proposed transgender policies.

The commonwealth's highest court on Monday rejected Loudoun County Public Schools' appeal to suspend Tanner Cross, a physical education teacher who was placed on administrative leave in May for criticizing the district's proposed policies for transgender students. Cross won a temporary injunction in the state's 12th circuit court in June and subsequently was allowed to return to the classroom...

The updated policies, which the school board approved on Aug. 11, also require teachers to call students by selected names and pronouns that align with their "gender identity." Cross spoke out against that provision in a May 25 school board meeting, days before he was suspended.

"I love all of my students, but I would never lie to them regardless of the consequences," Cross said. "I'm a teacher, but I serve God first and I will not affirm a biological boy can be a girl and vice versa because it's against my religion, it's lying to a child, it's abuse to a child, and it's sinning against our God."

District officials claimed Cross's statement had a "disruptive impact" on the school community.

Coming in at #2, making her second appearance here on RotLC, the Southern California teacher who had students pledge allegiance to the rainbow flag instead of the US flag has been removed from the classroom:

A California teacher who went viral after bragging in a TikTok video that she had taken down the American flag in her classroom because it made her feel "uncomfortable" and suggested that her students should say the Pledge of Allegiance to a rainbow flag has been removed from her classroom.

"She has been removed from the classroom and placed on administrative leave, as our investigation continues," Newport Mesa Schools spokesperson Annette Franco confirmed to Fox News Wednesday.

And our #1 teacher story of the week, also making a 2nd appearance here at RotLC this week, how could it not be the commie in the Sacramento classroom?  Watch the (hidden camera?) recording of the pinko, and hear him in his own words, here.  Watch James O'Keefe of Project Veritas celebrate the commie's exposure and imminent firing.  Watch the pinko's more subdued, less arrogant boohoo video hereAnd here's the latest:

The Natomas Unified School District has put a teacher with Inderkum High School on paid leave and says it is taking steps to fire the teacher for actions the district described as “inappropriate” and “irresponsible.”

In a more than two-page statement, superintendent Chris Evans said an investigation into an undercover video recently produced by conservative activist group Project Veritas led them to question the teacher’s methods inside the classroom.

Let's give it up for our teachers!

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