Tuesday, September 21, 2021

I've Said It A Million Times Before

Consistency is not a strong suit of the left:

In New York City, you need your photo ID and a vaccination card to enter these locations. The liberal self-own here is just epic. Photo identification is Jim Crow 2.0, but it's okay for COVID vaccination status. It's mind-blowing how liberals so expertly dice their talking points into sashimi.  link

Add this to all the leftie politicians and celebrities who have publicly violated 'rona-mitigation laws (the most recent being Donkey Chompers and the mayor of San Francisco, as well as Grey Goose Pelosi, de Blasio, Newsom, Whitmer) and it's no wonder why people with intelligence don't take those people seriously--on 'rona or any other topic.

Who have I left off the list?  Add them in the comments.


  1. Not sure if by "Donkey Chompers" you mean AOC or Obama - so whichever one that doesn't refer to belongs on your list.

  2. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Psaki "they aren't planning to be here long" comment. They really think we are idiots. Obviously, the virus can tell the difference. And this morning, Biden says half a billion doses to vaccinate the world, but nothing about the rona, measles, etc. coming in with the illegal aliens.

  3. Donkey Chompers is AOC. You're right about adding Obama's birthday party, and Chicago's Lollapalooza.

  4. Regarding the virus and illegal aliens - is it possible many of them have achieved immunity already by virtue of not being vaccinated? Now that would be an interesting twist. One thing that has gone underreported during the last two years has been the effect of the virus on the homeless. You would think this disease would have spread at homeless shelters and had a devastating effect on them, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Are they all vaccinated? I would bet not!

  5. Interesting points, PeggyU!
