Friday, September 03, 2021

Friday Is Kilt Day

One of the younger teachers at my school is also a graduate of said school, and back in his day (not too long before I got there) the school had a Highlander Club.  I remember that club's existence the first few years of my tenure at school, and all I remember of it was that its members wore kilts to school each day.

This teacher is resurrecting the Highlander Club and drafted a few of us teachers to help get the ball rolling.  Accordingly, I ordered a kilt last Saturday and it arrived Tuesday--in plenty of time for those few of us to wear our kilts to school today (Friday)!  

What that teacher doesn't know is that today (I'm typing this post on Wednesday and scheduling it for Friday) I put an additional plan into motion.  I asked one of our woman teachers to send an email asking her fellow woman teachers to wear skirts on Friday for even more support :-)  

This could be fun, I hope it turns out great.

Update, 9/4/21:  Three guys wore kilts (more are on order), and several of our women teachers wore plaid, skirts, etc.  I had one student very adamant that he was going to join the Highlander Club.  It was a fun day for launching the club.


  1. PeggyU12:05 PM

    Photo of your Joe Namath legs, or it didn't happen.

  2. Thanks, Darren. I pre-ordered his book.

  3. I have been wondering if your student has made it out of Afghanistan.

  4. Matureteach: Perhaps you meant to comment on another post?

    Auntie Ann: our district has over 2 dozen students still in Afghanistan, including the one in my class.

  5. PeggyU: the pictures of me (wearing the appropriate knee-high kilt hose) include others, and as I don't have their permission to post such pictures online, I'll refrain from doing so. Next time I wear it, though, I'll get a solo picture.
