Saturday, September 04, 2021

Facial Recognition Software

For most of us, 1984 was supposed to be a warning rather than a how-to manual:

The government of South Australia, one of the country's six states, has implemented a new policy requiring Australians to use an app with facial recognition software and geolocation to prove that they are abiding by a 14-day quarantine for travel within the country. ..

The app uses geolocation and facial recognition software to track those in quarantine. The app will contact people at random, asking them to provide proof of their location within 15 minutes.

"We don't tell them how often or when, on a random basis they have to reply within 15 minutes," Marshall said.

If the resident cannot verify his or her location or identity when requested, the South Australia Health Department will notify the police, who will then conduct an in-person check on the person in quarantine. Marshall said the government will not be storing any of the information provided to the app.

Those people are bat-crap insane.


  1. I read elsewhere that the police should expect lots and lots of d**k pics.

  2. My husband has a friend in Australia. From a recent long email, he said things were getting pretty insane, including one three year old who was visiting his grandparents in another territory being forbidden to return to his home with his mother and father until the media and government intervened. That is the level of nuts Oz has become.
