Thursday, September 30, 2021

Be The Americans The Australian Citizens Are Trying To Be

An ominous read:

I used to watch WWII documentaries about Germany and ask, “Why didn’t those civilians fight back before walking into a gas chamber?” Now I know.

The United States has gone from the land of the free and the home of the brave to: “Show me your vaccine passport or you’re fired.” The truly disturbing part is that it took only 18 months for Americans to allow their freedoms to erode. Many Americans on the left, happy to be told what to do, welcome the tyranny.

What’s coming next? Well, have you seen what’s happening in Australia?

Watch this brief video, unless you don’t like to see unarmed girls and women (and men) strangled, beaten, shot with rubber bullets, slammed to the ground, and pepper-sprayed...

Australians are fighting for freedoms they took for granted in early 2020, and are being brutalized by cops who are doing the dirty work of a government that believes it’s ok to beat people protesting Draconian reactions for a virus that has a 98.8% survival rate on their island...

We should look to Australia to see what is coming our way next, and keep watching those WWII documentaries.


1 comment:

  1. Similar things are happening even in places like Switzerland. The MSM is choosing not to report it and the complacency even in the face of losing our rights is more of a "don't rock the boat" mentality. Even from state to state the news varies SO MUCH that it is no wonder we are such a divided nation.
