Monday, August 16, 2021

We've Seen This Before

I was a few days shy of 10 years old when the North Vietnamese, two years after American combat forces left South Vietnam, began their invasion of the South.  

On the CBS News web site there used to be a lengthy video report called "The Last Flight Out of Da Nang", which I once described as "the pinnacle of television news reporting".  Today, as we watched terrified Afghans hang on to, and then fall from, US aircraft they hoped would deliver them from torture and death at the hands of the Taliban, I thought about those South Vietnamese soldiers who did the same thing in Da Nang 46 years ago.

Is it just a coincidence that if you go to what used to be the link, you get this message?

The page cannot be found 

The page may have been removed, had its name changed, or is just temporarily unavailable. 

It's not hard to believe it's not just a coincidence, given that it's CBS News.  Much of the same footage can currently be seen here, though:

Also here.



The president is incompetent.


The secretary of defense is incompetent.

Slow Joe addressed the country today.  To say his speech was "undignified" would be to dignify it beyond its worth:

Getting out of Afghanistan after 20 years isn't the problem.  F***ing up the withdrawal this badly certainly is, and the president owns it.  Personally.

How long before someone writes a musical called Miss Kabul?


  1. Anonymous12:07 PM

    You "forgot" this one. Curious!

  2. Reading comprehension and retention must not be your specialty. I quote from the post:
    "Getting out of Afghanistan after 20 years isn't the problem. F***ing up the withdrawal this badly certainly is, and the president owns it. Personally."

  3. Trump's administration had a plan in place to extricate American contractors, military personnel and Afghan hired hands. As with the border polices, COVID, masks, and every other damned thing, Bobble Head in Chief Biden did exactly the opposite of any and all of Trump's actions. Is this not what Democrats voted for? Too bad, it's what they're getting unless Biden is removed and then we get the lovely incompetent Kamala or God Help Us Pelosi. Biden owns this. Milley should be removed and every participant in the SNAFU at State should be summarily fired.

  4. Anna A4:14 PM


    I'm not military, nor logistics and appreciate the skills that those who are in both bring to the table.

    Even I could have come up with a better plan. First, our Afghan helpers, then all Americans, and last but far from least the military who made getting the first two out safely.
