Thursday, August 19, 2021

Heckuva Job, Joey

They sold this administration as putting adults back in charge, reassuring our allies, with "diplomacy" the new watchword.

Parliament holds Joe Biden in contempt over Afghanistan 

MPs and peers unite to condemn ‘dishonour’ of US president’s withdrawal and his criticism of Afghan troops left behind to face Taliban 



  1. Military personnel have been busted in rank and courtmartialed for less incompetent moves that this. I know the military had a bug out plan in place because THEY ALWAYS DO. So why was that plan scuttled? Who demanded an immediate exit with little planning for gathering up American civilians in the region as well as providing exits for Afghan nationals who are now targets along with their families? I think Biden was looking for a win to cover up a continuing march of mediocre results on COVID, the Biden Border Crisis and the economy. Of couse had he not insisted on doing the exactly opposite of Trump on every issues as a type of protest, maybe we wouldn't be at this juncture now. We have open borders and 5000 Taliban criminals released to slide into the surge, come here, and cause mayhem. There's a word for this, but I'm a LADY and don't use that kind of language.

  2. Adults are in charge! Senile, bat-shit crazy adults, but adults!
