Monday, August 09, 2021

Hear John McWhorter In His Own Words

John McWhorter is a self-professed "liberal Democrat" who is often called a right-winger by those on the far left who don't share his views on race.  Here he is on PBS' Firing Line just a few days before I had the privilege to see him speak a couple of different times at Freedom Fest in July:

"Columbia University linguist and race commentator John McWhorter explains the origins of critical race theory, what the decades-old legal concept has become in today’s national debate and his concerns about antiracism and how it is taught."

Some interesting terms he uses:  reign of terror, cudgel, cornerstone of a religion, recreational nastiness, witch-hunting

What he says from 12:22 to 12:58 is exactly what I will be challenging at school this year.

At 13:27 we get into "anti-racism".  The question and his answer go to 15:20 and are well worth your time.

Just watch the whole thing!

UpdateJoanne's post shows that pushback against teaching critical race theory in schools isn't coming just from the right.

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