Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Commie in the Classroom

A few years ago, California teachers could not be communists.  Education code prohibited teachers from being members of the Communist Party and/or (and this will be a very close paraphrase of the original law) teaching communism with the intent of inculcating in the mind of students a preference for communism.  Our previous governor, Crazy Ole Uncle Jerry (Brown), and the legislature got rid of that prohibition.  Now we get this guy (video at the link) in a neighboring school district:

Project Veritas released shocking new video today of California AP Government teacher, Gabriel Gipe, boasting about politically indoctrinating his students at Inderkum High School. 

Gipe said that his intention is to radicalize students into supporting Marxist ideas by using the public school system as an avenue to incentivize them to participate in fringe extracurricular events.

“I have 180 days to turn them [students] into revolutionaries…Scare the f*ck out of them,” Gipe said.

“I post a calendar every week…I’ve had students show up for protests, community events, tabling, food distribution, all sorts of things…When they go, they take pictures, write up a reflection -- that’s their extra credit,” he said.

Gipe said he keeps track of his students’ political inclinations. He is also perplexed when a student expresses discomfort with the decorations in his public-school classroom.

“So, they take an ideology quiz and I put [the results] on the [classroom] wall. Every year, they get further and further left…I'm like, ‘These ideologies are considered extreme, right? Extreme times breed extreme ideologies.’ Right? There is a reason why Generation Z, these kids, are becoming further and further left,” he said.

“I have an Antifa flag on my [classroom] wall and a student complained about that — he said it made him feel uncomfortable. Well, this [Antifa flag] is meant to make fascists feel uncomfortable, so if you feel uncomfortable, I don’t really know what to tell you. Maybe you shouldn’t be aligning with the values that this [Antifa flag] is antithetical to.”

He does this with other people's children

Update, 9/1/21The teacher is being fired:

A teacher who made national headlines after he was seen on video praising Antifa and communism while lamenting his short window of opportunity to turn his high school students into left-wing revolutionaries will be fired, administrators in a Sacramento district said Wednesday.

In an online message seen by Newsweek and posted Wednesday dubbed "What We Know About Teacher in Video and Next Steps," The Natomas Unified School District said it investigated not only the video but other irregularities. The notice does not name the teacher, though he is identified in the video as Inderkum High School advanced-placement government teacher Gabriel Gipe.

District administrators said they will be "taking the legally required next steps to place the teacher on unpaid leave and fire the teacher."

Good job, Project Veritas, for releasing and publicizing the damning video.

Just as a reminder, Project Veritas had a table at Freedom Fest this summer, and I got to see/hear James O'Keefe speak--he's a dynamic speaker.


  1. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Come on, now. It's not too long ago I sat in your (math) class being told about the "right republican way." Do I agree with him? No. But you're being hypocritical.

  2. I disagree.

    I make no secret of my political leanings, but *never* do I try to compel students to agree with me, give academic credit for doing things that conform to my politics, or use other people's children to further my own views.

    Sharing an opinion is one thing, trying to compel people--especially people with whom I have a power differential--to act in accordance with my political beliefs would be way beyond the pale.

  3. Anonymous10:24 PM

    It’s so precious when right wing “law and order” types celebrate lawbreakers like the Project Veritas goons.

  4. I wonder just exactly how long this Revolutionary actually held his job, and nobody said a thing.
    Did the school administration care... or how could they not know, since he had the picture and the flag in his classroom?
    Why is it only NOW, when suddenly the light got shone on him, that they scurry to dismiss him?

  5. Anonymous, you don't like your side getting Punk'd? Boohoo.

    What's illegal about hidden cameras? 60 Minutes got its start with that tactic, it's pretty effective. :-)
