Monday, August 30, 2021


If you won't admit that a Republican would have to leave office for something like this, you're not being honest:

President Biden called a Black adviser "boy" during a Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) briefing on Monday.

The president used the term while introducing his senior adviser Cedric Richmond, a former Louisiana congressman. 

"I'm here with my senior adviser and boy who knows Louisiana very, very well and New Orleans, Cedric Richmond," Biden said at a press briefing with FEMA after Hurricane Ida rocked Louisiana.

"Boy" is considered to be a racially derogatory term toward Black men.

1 comment:

  1. This isn't Joe Biden's first or even second racist gaffe. He's dropped bombs like this periodically for years. Far too often it was dismissed by people saying "oh that's Joe being Joe..." but there is NO QUESTION any conservative would be run out of town on a rail. Notice how already the usual suspects in the MSM are constructing a narrative that exonerates, even congratulates, Joe Biden on his dubious "success" in Afghanistan. In the meantime he doesn't take questions, the Secretary of State claims not to know how many Americans are still there and the Pentagon seems to be run by Captain Crunch and Captain Obvious. This is the most painful, careless THOUGHTLESS bugout in history. And from what I can tell it was done over the objections of the military so that Joe Biden could claim some sort of political cover for a bad economy, rising inflation, unemployment rising and a population unhappy with the way the country is going.
