Thursday, July 29, 2021

Freedom Fest Road Trip--By the Numbers

Total days:  30 (6/29-7/29)

Total miles:  4,609

Average mpg:  13.9 (not bad when so much of it was towing!) 

Average speed:  44 mph

Nights in houses:  7

Nights in the trailer:  23

Number of loads of laundry:  3 

Wal*marts visited: 2 (corrected 8/3)

Audiobooks listened to:  6

Gas stations that sold marijuana:  1 seen (not visited!)

National parks/monuments/historic sites visited:  7

National parks/monuments/historic sites visited that I hadn't visited before:  6

Highest gas price paid:  $4.40/gallon on I-5 in the Central Valley of California

Lowest gas price paid: $2.85/gallon in Phoenix

Highest elevation:  Sandia Peak in Albuquerque, 10,378'

Longest stay in one location:  6 nights in Rapid City, SD

Since my purchase in February 2017:

Total mileage on my pickup:  27,374.3

Total mileage while towing:  10,384


Update, 7/31/21:  

Number of times I wore a mask:  1 (the cable car up Sandia Peak is considered "public transportation")

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