Sunday, June 27, 2021

The Building Itself Is Racist?

These people are idiots:

The National Archives' task force on racism claimed in a little-noticed report to the U.S.’s top librarian that the Archives' own Rotunda – which houses the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights – is an example of "structural racism" and that the Founding Fathers and other White, historically impactful Americans are portrayed too positively.


  1. Yet this task force is not resigning or quitting their jobs, working for a racist country in a racist place, perpetuating the systemic racism enshrined in a building symbolizing the evils of a country founded on the evils of colonialism, capitalism, and slavery...
    Not only idiots, but hypocrites unable and unwilling to give up that sweet government pension...

  2. Anna A3:05 AM

    Of all the sins, the one that I hate the most is hypocrisy.

    I try to avoid it in my life, but it has been known to be the last straw to cut off (dying) relationship.

    What ever happened to "Let your yes be yes and your no be no"

  3. Food is racist
    Buildings are racist.
    Clothing and hair is racist.
    Grammar and accurate math is racist.
    Very soon we'll see the mere existence beyond subsistence living is racist.
    Thes people are insane.
