Thursday, June 24, 2021

Pretty Darned Evil

Such clarity from an 8th grade girl:

Jolene Grover, the 8th Grade student who went viral this month after calling out the Loudoun County School board for its dangerous transgender policies and CRT indoctrination, was back again at the heated June 22 school board meeting. Once again, she scorched panel members...

Grover rejected the leftist school board’s promotion of gender ideology. “Calling girls bigots because they don't want to use a toilet in a stall next to a boy or get undressed next to a boy is cruel and wrong,” she said. 

“It is embarrassing enough for a girl to change a pad knowing all the other girls hear the crinkle of the packaging, but telling her that she must be okay doing it in the presence of boys because their preferred pronouns are “she/her.” She charged them directly, “How evil can you be?”

She concluded “Girls bathrooms do not exist to validate identities.”

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